Exercise 1

1. T 2. D 3. F 4. T 5. F  

6. D 7. D 8. T 9. D 10. F

Exercise 2
1. The surprise was that she was one of the best in the class, as she had thought most people would be above her level.

2. A year.

3. In the way that she has put ‘intermediate level French’ on her CV but, in Kate’s opinion, might not even be able to count to twenty in French.

4. Her colleagues in the office where she worked.

5. Because, in the resorts she went to, all the local people speak some English.

6. No, she wasn’t being completely serious: Alison immediately said Kate was exaggerating, which Kate immediately confirmed (‘I know’).

7. Presumably that she had to improve her Spanish so as to be able to communicate with her colleagues or she would have been left in the embarrassing situation of not being able to talk to people at work (which might also have prevented her from doing her job properly).

8. To live in a country in which that language is spoken, and therefore be ‘surrounded’ by it.
