'LOOK', 'SEE' and 'WATCH'

'LOOK', 'SEE' and 'WATCH'

'Look', 'see' and 'watch' seem very similar, they all talk about different ways of using your eyes. However, there are two very important differences. It depends on how you intend to look or watch and how intense the looking is. 


When we say 'SEE' we are normally talking about things we can't avoid – so for example, "I opened the curtains and saw some birds outside." - I didn't intend to see them, it just happened. 


However, when we use the verb 'LOOK', we're talking about seeing something with an intention. So, "this morning I looked at the newspaper" – I intended to see the newspaper.


When we 'WATCH' something, we intend to look at it but we're also looking at it quite intensely, usually because it's moving. So, for example, "I watched the bus go through the traffic lights." "I watched the movie." We want to see it, we're looking at it intensely and it's normally moving.
