
Exercise 1   
comedian, weather prediction, news presenter, channel      

Exercise 2    
1. sitcoms 2. weather forecast 3. news 4. chat 5. documentary (or programme)   6. soap operas

Exercise 3      
1. None of them 2. Mary, Stuart 3. Mary, Stuart 4. Stuart, Patricia

Exercise 4      
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. D 6. T

Exercise 5

1. Mary’s husband likes to watch sports programmes.

2. Stuart loves being able to vote to evict people from the house.

3. She’s too busy, and she also things there’s a lot of ‘rubbish’ on TV.

4. She likes the fact that the characters are really interesting, and that the situations are just like real life.

5. She thinks that the people who are put into the house are treated as if they were animals in a zoo. She doesn’t like the way ignorant or selfish people are put into the house, because she finds their behaviour depressing rather than entertaining.
