Exercise 1 

1. T 
2. T 
3. F 
4. F 
5. D 
6. F 
7. T 
8. F 
9. T 
10. F 

Exercise 2 

1. Six years. 
2. Regional accents. 
3. He likes them, because he finds them interesting. 
4. Scottish, Welsh, Geordie, Liverpool, London, American, South African, Australian. 
5. Whether or not people can understand them when they speak. 
6. He seems to suggest that 50 years ago most BBC presenters spoke ‘like the Queen’ – but says this isn’t true anymore, as now they have lots of different regional accents. 
7. His explanation is that the people in question probably spend all their time with others who speak exactly the way they do, so a different accent, such as Marina’s, would be a bit of a shock. 
8. The ‘model British accent’. Dave appears to believe that as long as it can be understood, no accent should be regarded as worse than any other. 


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