1 Match the words with their definitions.

SCAR: a mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed

BIRTHMARK: a red or brown mark on a person’s skin that has been there since they were born

TATTOO: a picture or design that is marked permanently on a person’s skin by making small holes in the skin with a needle and filling them with coloured ink

MOLE:a small dark brown mark on the skin, sometimes slightly higher than the skin
around it

FRECKLE:a small, pale brown spot on a person’s skin, especially on their face, caused by the sun

3 Do you think the following information about tattoos is true or false?

a Tattoos have become more fashionable recently.F
b Tattooing was banned in New York City until 1999.T
c Maoris used to tattoo their faces for camouflage.T  
d Only lower class people used to have tattoos.F
e Having a tattoo is very painful.F

f Having a tattoo is a dangerous thing to do.F

g Tattooing should be taken seriously.F

h Tattoo is an old Portuguese word.F
