Shade: {U} uncountable noun: is an area or a part of a place that is protected from the heat of the sun and so is darker and cooler:
"let us sit in the shade for a while."
A shadow: {C} countable: is the dark shape made when a light shines on a person or an object:
"As the sun went down we cast long shadows on the lawn."
Shadow: {U}: is an area of darkness in which it is difficultto distinguish things easily:
"her face was in deep shadow." By Jwana
"let us sit in the shade for a while."
A shadow: {C} countable: is the dark shape made when a light shines on a person or an object:
"As the sun went down we cast long shadows on the lawn."
Shadow: {U}: is an area of darkness in which it is difficultto distinguish things easily:
"her face was in deep shadow." By Jwana

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